Frequently Asked Questions After Publication
Updated 24 April 2024
With your website now live, you will probably have some questions about editing your website, Google and SEO. We've helpfully categorised the most popular questions below to help you understand your website better. For a more extensive resource for website editing, please visit our website self-management page.
With your website now live, you will probably have some questions about editing your website, Google and SEO. We've helpfully categorised the most popular questions below to help you understand your website better. For a more extensive resource for website editing, please visit our website self-management page.
SEO & Google Queries
My website doesn't show up in Google when I search for my business name, why?
Your new website will take anywhere between 30-90 days for Google to crawl through your site files and index them to be found in the search engines. If your site is still new, it is currently working it's way up depending on how fresh it is and which keyword you typed in. It’s important to note that it takes significant time for a website to move higher in the ranks and get found by users on the Internet, for a more detailed guide on how SEO works, please read our friendly SEO guide.
What is Google ‘indexing’? Does it mean that my website can’t be viewed?
Your website is already published and publicly viewable for anyone who goes to visit your website link, so feel free to start sharing it around! However your website will not show yet in Google results for searches while it is being indexed - this is the process where Google crawls through the Internet to to discover new pages and add it to it's own index of Internet information. Google does it's crawling every 30 or so days and once this happens, you website will be visible in search results.
My site doesn't show up for the keywords I want, nor does it show up on the first page of Google, how can I get it to show up there?
We are not SEO consultants (we are web designers) so we do not guarantee first page rankings for your chosen keywords. We highly recommend that you learn about SEO first before speaking to SEO consultants so you can be informed before paying considerable money for SEO services. Alternatively, you may consult our valuable guide for SEO tips that you can do yourself and once you are more familiar with SEO, can you approach an external provider with greater understanding of the process.
My new website has now been published, but the Google results show "404" errors when my old site comes up. What is going on?
This only concerns re-designed websites where the page names have changed between the old website and the new website. Google will always re-index your new website after publication, but this will may take just a few days (sometimes weeks) for the old website links to wash out and the new ones get indexed, so your old website links will show up as "404" errors. You can help this by sending your website link directly to people to view from there (rather than have them Google your business name). It is only temporary, so just keep an eye out until you see it washed out.
It has been two months and I haven't received any leads from my website, why?
As Google takes up to 90 days to index a website, it is normal for your website to take time to rank in Google. Small Business Web Designs has built your site with best practice standards, with sales copy that is compelling. It's important to know that any time in the first 6 months is very early in the life of your website, and results will not happen overnight.
After 2 months, you should be seeing your website rank initially for your business name, gradually outranking other online marketing you have such as Yellow Pages or similar. After that, more specific searches will rank your website. It is critical to remember that ranking is the product of many months of content addition, marketing efforts and website ageing. Please read our wonderful guide to SEO Tips you can use to boost your website ranking progressively as your website ages.
After 2 months, you should be seeing your website rank initially for your business name, gradually outranking other online marketing you have such as Yellow Pages or similar. After that, more specific searches will rank your website. It is critical to remember that ranking is the product of many months of content addition, marketing efforts and website ageing. Please read our wonderful guide to SEO Tips you can use to boost your website ranking progressively as your website ages.
Website Display, Editing and General Questions
I would like to add a blog page to my website how do I do this?
A Blog page is an additional feature with a $100 charge for setup and configuration as outlined in our optional features. Alternatively, you can add it yourself by following this tutorial free of charge!
How do I log in to access my site?
You need to locate the publication email we sent to you (you can do a search for all emails sent from
'Small Business Web Designs') and look for the subject line "Website Published & Self-Management Access" or "Website Published & Self-Management Instructions". This email will contain your login link and temporary password to access your site.
Alternatively, you may have received an email from Weebly with an invitation to edit your site. You must locate this email (you can do a search for "Weebly" and follow the prompts in it to access your site (you can do a search for emails from "Weebly" to find this). You will be prompted to enter your email and set a password to login to your website, retain this for your records.
If you cannot find your login details email [email protected] with the subject "Invite me to edit my site" so we can re-send it to you.
'Small Business Web Designs') and look for the subject line "Website Published & Self-Management Access" or "Website Published & Self-Management Instructions". This email will contain your login link and temporary password to access your site.
Alternatively, you may have received an email from Weebly with an invitation to edit your site. You must locate this email (you can do a search for "Weebly" and follow the prompts in it to access your site (you can do a search for emails from "Weebly" to find this). You will be prompted to enter your email and set a password to login to your website, retain this for your records.
If you cannot find your login details email [email protected] with the subject "Invite me to edit my site" so we can re-send it to you.
How do I make edits to my site?
For instructions and easy self-editing tutorials, see our website self-management page.
How do I edit the page text?
You can edit your website page text by following this edit text tutorial.
How can I upload more photos into our Photo Gallery?
If you want to add new photos for your gallery, upload them in the image gallery via "Add Images".
I want to set up a new page. How can I do this?
Please create new page and edit your text accordingly.
How many pages can I add?
There is no limit to the pages you can add on your site, the only thing to pay attention to is that adding too many pages to your main navigation bar may ruin your formatted spacing on the navigation menu so you may want to create your pages as "sub-pages" to be drop-downs that go under the main navigation pages where relevant.
How do I update my website to include my social media accounts?
You can add a Facebook feed as well as edit your Social Icons (Facebook, Twitter etc) and add a Facebook "Like" button.
How do I upload a PDF, Word or other document to a page on my site?
Uploading documents is simple, please follow the guidance here.
How do I change the banners, font and colour of my website?
You can add more banners to your website by editing the header as well as changing fonts and colours.
I don't have time to edit my site, can I pay you to do this for me?
Yes, we offer an annual edits policy for $500 per year. This allows you to send us 1 round of text and photo edits per month via email, please email our friendly support team if you would like to organise this.
I am not receiving entries from my contact form, can you help me?
Please test your contact form by emailing yourself from your website. If you do not see the email enquiry come through to your email, check your email account's spam box incase it has been directed there due to your email provider's security settings. If you still cannot see it, please contact our friendly support team so we can resolve this for you.
Is it possible to have photo albums on our photo gallery page?
Yes this is possible, but you will need to create a new page for each photo gallery. Simple create a page and insert a photo gallery. Insert an image on the main "gallery page" you have at the moment, and cross link it to your new page.
I have deleted a page, can this be restored?
Yes, we charge a $50 fee page restoration fee. Please allow 3 working days for our team to restore your website and contact our friendly support team so we can resolve this for you.
Invoices, Bills and Payments
I have an invoice for website hosting from you, what is this for?
This is an invoice for 12 months of prepaid website hosting and content management. We bill this annually, but have monthly payment options if you prefer - just let us know. Learn more about website hosting.
I have an email with an invoice to pay for my domain name from a domain registrar. Is my domain with SBWD, or do I pay the invoice?
If your domain name was previously registered with a different registrar (for example with your old website), your domain has probably come up for renewal so please make sure to pay your renewal fee so your website does not go offline. However if the domain registrar is not familiar to you, please beware of scams which claim to be your domain registrar as they can look convincing, for example a company called "Domain Register" is in fact a scam although it looks real. If you are unsure, please email the invoice to our friendly support team so we can advise you whether you need to pay it.
I just received a bill for $249 from the “Domain Register” for 2 years registration? Is this correct?
Please ignore this, it is a scam as your domain is either managed by us (through GoDaddy or Domains 4 Less) or you will have your own registrar. If we registered your domain name, the renewal cost is $45 every 12 months. You may want to report them here if you wish.
I have two invoices for website hosting, one from my previous host and one from Small Business Web Designs. I am confused – what do I pay?
This occurrence is likely when you have re-launched your website with us, but you may still have your domain name, emails and website hosting billing with your old provider. The only thing you need to keep with them if you have them is your domain name and email hosting, so make sure you keep these renewed if they are relevant. You may cancel your website hosting with your old provider because this has now transitioned to our servers and your old website has lapsed. If you are unsure, please email your invoice to our friendly support team so we can advise you what you need to pay or cancel with your old provider.
I have a friend that wants a website, can I recommend them to you?
Absolutely! Just give them our email address [email protected] and for every successful referral, we will apply 2 months of free hosting to your account. This is our thank you for your support and recommendation.
If you still have queries, contact our friendly support team by email at [email protected] for priority response within 24-48 hours.